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Ruter's Sustainability Strategy 

Together with customers, owners, operators, and other partners, Ruter is working to reduce private car use and make green mobility options the preferred choice for customers. We call this sustainable freedom of movement.

View of the Oslo skyline with the town hall and Akershus fortress over the water under a partly cloudy sky.

Photo: Ruter As / CatchLight Fotostudio AS

Sustainable freedom of movement is about facilitating a good life, social justice, and sound urban and regional development within the planet’s ecological limits.

Together, the ownership strategies of Oslo Municipality and Akershus County Municipality, Ruter’s articles of association, sustainability strategy, and Vision for Sustainable Freedom of Movement form the foundation of the company’s sustainability efforts.

The annual delivery agreements between the owners and Ruter are based on the company’s governance documents and detail the owners’ expectations for the year the agreement applies. The owner’s message and annual report present results for a larger set of indicators. Results on the most important sustainability indicators are reported monthly to the board and owners.

Ruter’s sustainability strategy was launched in 2018. In 2019, Ruter established a goal management hierarchy that encompassed both Ruter’s sustainability goals and business goals. It was put into use from January 2020. In 2020, Ruter’s long-term strategy, Vision for Sustainable Freedom of Movement, was adopted.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals Serve as the Foundation

The UN Sustainable Development Goals revolve around climate and the environment, social conditions, and economic development – and they form the basis of Ruter’s sustainability strategy.

As a public transport company, Ruter can contribute to sustainable development in several ways:

  • Public transport solutions are crucial for reducing the climate and environmental impact of personal transport.
  • Good, inclusive personal transport solutions are essential both for individuals and for the functioning of society.
  • Efficient mobility is about good land management.

After an extensive internal process, Ruter identified eight of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals as particularly relevant to the company. These are goals that Ruter can influence, and areas where expectations from the outside world are particularly high.

Goal 17, «Partnerships for the Goals,» is central because it’s a prerequisite for achieving results. We collaborate with many actors – such as authorities, customers, owners, businesses, operators, interest groups, and other mobility companies.

Developing the sustainability strategy

The development of the sustainability strategy involved a three-pronged approach:

  • Internal Working Group: A dedicated team systematically evaluated the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and their 169 targets. They proposed eight goals that Ruter has a significant opportunity to influence through its business activities and value chain.
  • Organization-Wide Involvement: The entire organization participated in activities at both the individual and departmental levels. Over 300 proposed measures were considered during the strategy process.
  • Leadership and Stakeholder Engagement: The Board, management team, and area managers discussed Ruter’s position and strategy on sustainability, along with potential consequences. Meetings and workshops were also held with key stakeholders, including the City of Oslo, Akershus County Municipality, and operators.
Ikon for mål 3: God helse og velvære. Har en grønn bakgrunn med en elektrokardiogramlinje som ender i hjerteform.

Road traffic is a significant source of pollution and noise. Air quality is poor in many parts of the Oslo region, and during winter, a large portion of the population in Oslo and Akershus is exposed to high concentrations of air pollution. This increases the risk of respiratory infections, lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.

Ruter can contribute to improvements. Firstly, by reducing traffic congestion by having an offer that makes more people choose public transport, cycling, and walking instead of driving their own cars. Moreover, Ruter’s Emission-Free 2028 strategy means that all traffic under Ruter’s auspices will be electrically powered by 2028.

Ruter wants to contribute to public health by facilitating increased physical activity, by looking at how the provision of transport services can be seen in connection with cycling and walking. A third important area for Ruter is to contribute to ever safer traffic in the capital area.

Ikon som representerer FNs bærekraftsmål 8: Anstendig arbeid og økonomisk vekst, med en stigende søyle- og linjegraf på rød bakgrunn.

Ruter has an important role in offering residents a safe and efficient journey to and from work and school. A good public transport system is crucial for the labor market to function.

Demanding and contributing to decent working conditions and respect for human rights throughout Ruter’s value chain is another important way for Ruter to contribute to this goal.

Ikon for bærekraftig utvikling Mål 9: Industri, innovasjon og infrastruktur, med en oransje bakgrunn med tre hvite, sammenkoblede kuber.

Strengthening and improving today’s public transport is important, but to achieve major improvements, we must also work on innovation. This also applies to infrastructure projects and urban development. Digitalization, technology, and innovation can contribute to solving societal challenges related to passenger transport.

Ikon som representerer bærekraftig utviklingsmål 10: Reduserte ulikheter. Den har et hvitt likhetssymbol omgitt av fire piler på en rosa bakgrunn.

Ruter’s services should be for everyone, regardless of functional level or economic status.

Ikon som representerer FNs bærekraftsmål 11: Bærekraftige byer og samfunn, med stiliserte bybygninger på oransje bakgrunn.

Traffic problems are a significant challenge in most major cities. This reduces residents’ quality of life, burdens the environment and climate, and has major economic consequences.

Better public transport, along with cycling and walking, and restrictive measures on cars are the most important measures. Ruter will offer even better mobility solutions in the coming years, with higher frequency and lower emissions. This will make it easier to use and live in the entire region; there will be more space for people and urban life, less noise, and cleaner air.

Ikon for FNs mål 12 for bærekraftig utvikling: Ansvarlig forbruk og produksjon, med et hvitt uendelig symbol med en sirkulær pil på sennepsfarget bakgrunn.

Responsible consumption means consuming less. Responsible production involves reducing energy and resource consumption, environmental impact, and greenhouse gas emissions associated with goods production. The requirements Ruter places on the market and its own operations should contribute to reducing the environmental and climate footprint of passenger transport. Ruter’s most important contribution to this goal is also to offer an alternative to private car use.

Grønt bakgrunnsbilde med tallet 13, ordene "Climate Action" og en illustrasjon av en klode innenfor en øyeformet kontur, som indikerer FNs bærekraftsmål 13.

Ruter’s most important contribution to climate action is to shift travelers from private cars to buses, boats, and rail transport. At the same time, we must cut greenhouse gas emissions from our own vehicles.

Ruter’s Emission-Free 2028 strategy will realize the goal that all traffic under Ruter’s auspices will be emission-free by 2028. Ruter will contribute to the entire value chain cutting its greenhouse gas emissions, such as reducing emissions from construction and engineering works when we expand infrastructure.

Ruter must also adapt the operation of public transport services to climate changes that have already happened and are in the process of happening.

En mørkeblå grafikk med tallet 17 og teksten "Partnerships for the Goals" ved siden av et ikon med fem sammenlåsende sirkler arrangert i et blomsterlignende mønster.

The Sustainable Development Goals are a collaborative project. Ruter will facilitate good cooperation with owners, authorities, businesses, operators, customers, and others to succeed in the transformation of passenger transport in the region. We will share the experiences we gain so that they benefit others and thus have a greater impact.

Management by Objectives based on the Sustainable Development Goals

Starting from 2020, Ruter implemented a new management by objectives hierarchy, where the eight prioritized Sustainable Development Goals have a central place. This hierarchy is used for monthly reporting to the board and owners.

A clear expectation in the owner strategy – that Ruter’s operations should be conducted in accordance with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals – formed the basis for the work to develop the management by objectives hierarchy. Goals and key results were developed with broad involvement from the organization.

The indicators are reviewed annually to ensure that the measures implemented contribute in the best possible way to realizing Ruter’s vision: sustainable freedom of movement.